Our Values

We prayerfully seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in its efforts to be Christ’s transforming presence through equipping and linking volunteers with their neighbors (Luke 10: 27-37), educating church leaders for their role, and resourcing churches to engage with their community.

We prayerfully seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our efforts to be Christ’s transforming presence through equipping and linking volunteers with their neighbors (Luke 10: 27-37), educating church leaders for their roles, and resourcing churches to engage with their community.

We value and promote good stewardship of our time, talents, finances and earthly resources.  Time and talent stewardship requires development of our gifts in order to serve others.  Financial stewardship requires accurate reporting, wise m…

We value and promote good stewardship of our time, talents, finances and earthly resources.  Time and talent stewardship requires development of our gifts in order to serve others.  Financial stewardship requires accurate reporting, wise management of resources and encouragement of generous giving.  Earthly stewardship requires responsible management of our natural resources and environment.

By including the input of the diverse populations we serve into our programs and planning, Volunteers in Action affirms the dignity of all, serving people of every age, race, gender and creed.

By including the input of the diverse populations we serve into our programs and planning, Volunteers in Action affirms the dignity of all, serving people of every age, race, gender and creed.

We provide continuing education and equipping of deacons, church leaders, and volunteers to best be able to love our neighbors around us.

We provide continuing education and equipping of deacons, church leaders, and volunteers to best be able to love our neighbors around us.

We further God’s Kingdom by building a tapestry of mutually supportive relationships among volunteers, our neighbors, churches, the community, businesses and collaborative agencies.

We further God’s Kingdom by building a tapestry of mutually supportive relationships among volunteers, our neighbors, churches, the community, businesses and collaborative agencies.

We value asking the deeper question about “why” some of our more vulnerable neighbors suffer injustice, and then pursuing an answer.  We seek to create awareness of injustice and speak out for justice through advocacy.

We value asking the deeper question about “why” some of our more vulnerable neighbors suffer injustice, and then pursuing an answer.  We seek to create awareness of injustice and speak out for justice through advocacy.