Safeway Paul Wears a Cape & Other Pandemic Superheroes

Happy Friends

VIA Superheroes are “flying” throughout this city to help people in need.  Calls received during this pandemic continue to flow into VIA’s office.  Here is a small sample of what’s happening in a neighborhood near you!

-Paul Armani, affectionately called Safeway Paul because he shops for groceries for Jaime, spends extra time with Jaime to look at Jaime’s braille machine.  Jaime is also deaf.  When the machine stops working, Jaime’s world stops working.  He is very concerned about the cost of repairs or the price of a new one.  Paul found the problem and fixed it!  No new machine needed!

-Garret’s* furnace quit working every night, leaving his little house very cold.  Garret thinks he needs a new furnace.  Jim visits and assesses the situation, replacing the thermostat.  Furnace is fine and Garret’s home is warm for winter.

-4 new volunteers save the day for 4 seniors who cannot get out to buy their groceries due to the pandemic, agreeing to help as long as needed.  One of these recipients tells VIA, “Honestly, just knowing someone cares means more than I can say. This really is an answer to months of prayer!”

steps at Diana Tidwell .jpg

-Diane’s stairs to her trailer are wobbly & falling apart.   Could VIA repair them?  Superhero Marv measures and cuts a new set at his home and then constructs them onsite for Diane.  She can now leave her home safely without injury.


-Lu lives in a group home with limited social interaction.  Her VIA friend, Charys, invites her over for Thanksgiving feast and to spend time with her family. 


-Denver Christian Middle School students raked over 85 lawns for elderly and disabled home owners on November 6, 2020.

-4 volunteers have been alternating driving Mariah* to weekly cancer treatments for over a year.

-Sara visits her friend Grace* daily as cancer overtakes Grace’s body.  Sara assures Grace that Jesus loves her and she need not be afraid.  Grace recently passed into Jesus' arms with Sara’s words of assurance in her heart.

Thanks to all these superheroes and the many more.  We just don’t have enough space!  Each service completed in the name of Jesus, gives our friends and neighbors hope for today and changes eternity. 

*Names changed to protect privacy

Sheri DeHaan



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