Share the Care Workshop

Donn introducing Roseanne Collison

On Thursday, Nov. 10 at Hope Fellowship Church, Roseanne Collison of Kinsman Care Management shared her expertise on how to care for a family member or friend who may need some extra help. Did you know that the average caregiver is 49 yrs old?  Did you know that 72% of people care for a parent, step-parent or in-law? 14% care for a seriously ill or disabled child. Roseanne also gave ways to identify caregiver strengths and areas where they may need to support themselves with informal or formal support. 

The evening also included advice for self care as one takes on the responsibility of caring for another person and how to identify the stress.  

Participants discussed and shared personal experiences and ideas that they could adopt into their circumstances. 

Overall, most people who care for someone describe it as a very special experience and would not trade this time for anything. Knowing the options available gives peace from God as one navigates care to those they love.

If you would like to receive more information about this workshop, contact VIA at 303-713-9144.  


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