A Match Made in Heaven

Barbara, Colleen and furry friend/guide dog Loretta

In June, Barbara called the VIA office to request a volunteer to help with reading mail, errand running, and becoming familiar with her new home.  Barbara had recently moved to the area in order to be closer to her father. She heard about VIA through the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, an agency she connected with to help navigate her transition to Colorado as a blind person.  

Sheri, our volunteer coordinator, took the call from Barbara. Sheri determined that Barbara resided outside of our typical service area and was ready to refer her to another agency that could better serve Barbara.  However, she found out that Colleen, a longtime VIA supporter, and member of Family in Christ Community Church, lived only a few minutes from Barbara and wanted to volunteer at VIA!  

It has truly been a match “made in heaven.” Barbara says, “Colleen has become a good friend.  She is always trying to find solutions to make things better for me. She makes sure that each week we go on a little adventure together away from my home.”  In fact, Barbara and Colleen, along with two other of Barbara’s friends and three dogs, recently went on a picnic in the mountains. Colleen loved being able to describe the beauty of God’s creation to the three women! 

Barbara and friends enjoying the beauty of the Colorado mountains

Colleen, reflecting on the blessing of this new friendship says, “I feel certain that God has put us together. Barbara’s positive attitude and sense of humor is a gift… we have connected on so many levels and enjoy being together.  Thank you VIA, for this opportunity to develop such a special friendship!”  

Volunteering at VIA for the Faith in Deed program is such a blessing for both volunteers and the VIA friends that they serve. Interested in volunteering?  Call the VIA office at 303-713-9144 or visit our website at viadenver.org.  


Share the Care Workshop


Faithful Volunteers