Volunteers in Action makes adjustments

From the beginning of the coronavirus impact in mid-March through now, VIA has adjusted what we do to fit the unique needs of people do to Covid-19. We have limited physical contact but have encouraged creative social engagement; letter and card writing, phone calls, FaceTime, Zoom etc.  Some volunteers have continued to assist their 'friends' (with recommended precautions) where appropriate because there is simply no one else to help them. 

 We have increased our one-time assistance services to people who needed groceries, prescriptions or needed items delivered to their doors.  13 new volunteers assisted in this way with a number of these ongoing. 

 Staff has increased support of our volunteers through phone calls, emails and notes of encouragement. 

 When requests for masks started coming in, 5 volunteers rallied to sew over 400 masks and one couple donated 310 surgical masks.  VIA distributed them to a variety of individuals and agencies who needed masks right away.  

 We have provided deacon support to the Classis Rocky Mountain churches regarding mercy and community ministry during Covid-19. Donn served on a national World Renew webinar panel on Deacons Ministry in April. 

 78 different people wrote letters to over 175 residents and staff at Littleton Care and Rehabilitation, Libby Bortz Assisted Living and Rowan Community.  

We continue to adjust to changing circumstances and needs. Our goal is to work with our community, to identify and address issues as they arise.

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Heart Connections during Covid-19


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