Heart Connections during Covid-19

On March 8th, 2020, a small group of volunteers led a worship service for the residents at Rowan Care Facility where we partner with the Heart Connections Program.   I had no idea this would be our last visit to Rowan before Covid-19. Even as I write this on June 2nd, I do not know when we will be able to visit our friends in person at Rowan again. 

This has been a very challenging time for residents and staff at Rowan Community. In the last few months, while we have not been able to physically visit with our friends, we were able to reach out in unique and creative ways. 

 We delivered over 200 masks and multiple bottles of hand sanitizer for the staff at Rowan Community during peak need.

 A new volunteer from Chicago created 30 art prints. We shared her handcrafted artwork with care facility residents.

 VIA delivered flowers and thank you cards to the Rowan staff to lift spirits.

 A VIA partner, The Oaks Church, delivered 90 care packages for staff.

 New and current volunteers faithfully write letters to isolated and lonely residents.

 The 5th grade classes from St John’s school and Parker Core Knowledge wrote letters for people in isolation at Rowan.

Rowan has been grateful and appreciative.  They have felt supported by Volunteers in Action the past three months.  Included below is an excerpt from their volunteer coordinator.

Emily Duntsch

Photo of Kids letters.jpg

Dear Donn and VIA,  

Thank you so much for the beautiful messages and letters to the residents.  This has been a very difficult time for our residents as they isolate to prevent transmission of Covid-19. The lovely images and inspiring words sent by your volunteers have touched their hearts.  Please stay well, and continue to do the excellent outreach you do to the people who are in need of your love and support. 

Marion for the Rowan Community


Two Huge Pine Trees Gone!


Volunteers in Action makes adjustments