Inspire Conference 2022

Earlier in August, Donn, Sheri and Karen had the opportunity to attend the Inspire 2022 conference in Tinley Park, IL.  This biennial conference is designed specifically for ministry leaders and volunteers from Christian Reformed and Reformed churches across North America. The theme of the conference was Inspired to be One, focusing on the beauty of the diversity within the church as well as the need for unity.  

It was truly an inspiring time!  We attended many workshops and listened to keynote speakers on topics such as working for racial justice, how to share the Christian faith, soul care, the art of listening well, toxic charity, and the phenomena of emerging adulthood.  We left equipped with more tools for our work here at VIA as well as within our local churches. We were also challenged to get out of our comfort zone and to engage fearlessly in God’s call to work for justice and inclusion of all.  We feel rejuvenated and renewed by the exuberant worship and the intentional focus on practicing spiritual habits that form and shape us to become effective agents of change in the Kingdom of God.  

Sheri reports, “This conference reconnected me to multicultural worship, offered an opportunity to rub elbows with ethnically and culturally diverse brothers and sisters in Christ,  and challenged me to pray and love boldly for such a time as this.”  

We are so grateful for the opportunity to experience Inspire 2022.  What a blessing! 


Faithful Volunteers


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